
answers to common questions & general information

Kelly Victoria Thorn Kelly Victoria Thorn

Can I stop paying Rent if my Landlord hasn’t fixed my property?

If you are a tenant living in a property suffering from disrepair that the landlord will not deal with, you will understand that there is an appeal to withholding your rent. The situation feels unfair, and you want to punish your landlord for not holding up their end of the tenancy agreement or use your rent as leverage to force their hand.

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Kelly Victoria Thorn Kelly Victoria Thorn

How Much is My Housing Disrepair Claim Worth?

When faced with housing disrepair issues, tenants may seek legal recourse to address the situation and claim compensation. Understanding the potential value of a housing disrepair claim is crucial for tenants to assess their options and seek appropriate remedies.

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Kelly Victoria Thorn Kelly Victoria Thorn

Mould in your property: How dangerous it is and what can be done?

Mould is a microscopic fungus that grows in damp places, normally caused by excess moisture in a building. Mould spores can be found everywhere and are released in their thousands and float in the air unseen. Signs of mould at home include fuzzy black, white or green patches on the walls, and a damp and musty smell.

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Kelly Victoria Thorn Kelly Victoria Thorn

Can my landlord charge me fees to rent a property?

From 1 June 2019, the Tenant Fees Act came into force. This prohibited landlords and agents from charging any fees to tenants, other than those ‘permitted’ by the Act. Any tenancy that is signed on or after 1 June must adhere to the new regulations.

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Kelly Victoria Thorn Kelly Victoria Thorn

The Long-Term Consequences of Housing Disrepair with Kwajo Tweneboa

CEL Solicitors owner and founder Jessica Hampson sits down with housing disrepair advocate and campaigner, Kwajo Tweneboa.

23-year-old Kwajo has quickly transitioned from a regular student living in South London to become one of the UK's highest profile housing advocates, garnering attention across the political and business spectrum including from the likes of Michael Gove (ex-Housing and Planning Secretary) and Steven Bartlett (Entrepreneur and Dragons Den).

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Kelly Victoria Thorn Kelly Victoria Thorn

The Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) and the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act in Housing Disrepair Claims Explained

In the pursuit of better living conditions for tenants, the UK has implemented several regulations and acts to protect their rights. Two important pieces of legislation that have greatly impacted housing disrepair claims are the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) and the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act.

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Kelly Victoria Thorn Kelly Victoria Thorn

What is a tenancy deposit claim?

By law, your deposit must be placed in a tenancy deposit scheme (TDS) by your landlord within 30 days of receiving it and it must remain protected through the whole tenancy.

They can do this in any of the 3 government protection schemes

The Deposit Protection Service

The Tenancy Deposit Scheme


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Kelly Victoria Thorn Kelly Victoria Thorn

What is Awaab’s Law?

Following the recent inquest into the death of 2-year-old Awaab Ishak, the Government has now proposed to take action to ensure that no further deaths occur due to mould and damp in social housing properties. Awaab Ishak sadly died as a result of damp and mould in his home.

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Kelly Victoria Thorn Kelly Victoria Thorn

Fitness for human habitation

The Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act implies an implied agreement in most tenancy agreements that the property will be fit for human habitation at the beginning of and throughout the tenancy.

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