Has your Landlord failed to protect your Deposit?

Welcome to Unprotected Tenancy Deposit Claims

We are here to help you navigate the complexities of unprotected tenancy deposits and claim what is rightfully yours.

What is Tenancy Deposit Claim?

Your landlord has a legal responsibility to protect your deposit in one of three government-approved schemes within 30 days of receiving the payment. If they fail to do so, you could be entitled to compensation worth up to 3x your deposit plus the deposit itself back.

This means that if your original deposit was £600, you could be entitled to £1,800 in compensation PLUS the original £600 deposit paid, so a total of £2,400.

How It Works

If your landlord failed to protect your deposit you may be able to claim compensation on a no-win, no-fee basis!

The Process

Who can Claim?

If you began (or renewed) your tenancy within the last 6 years and your deposit was not protected in one of the three approved schemes, you can make a claim and you are also able to make additional claims for each subsequent breach.

The Government-Approved Tenancy Deposit Protection Schemes are:

Deposit Protection Service
Tenancy Deposit Scheme

You can claim if…

  • You began or renewed your tenancy within the last 6 years

  • You have paid a deposit

  • You know or believe your deposit was not protected

  • You were not issued details of the deposit protection scheme or

  • Your landlord failed to protect your deposit within 30 days of receiving it

  • You have since terminated your contract, but your deposit was not returned by your landlord

  • You have a copy of your tenancy agreement

How much Does it Cost to Claim?

Sparrowhawk Legal will work on a no-win, no-fee basis for you. This means that we only ask for payment if we are successful and win your case. If your case is unsuccessful, you don’t pay a penny.

When your claim is successful we claim our costs back from your landlord and charge no more than 25% of what we recover for you as a success fee.

Use the free Online Claim Checker to see if you have a claim today!

Your Questions Answered

  • All of our services are offered to you on a no-win no-fee basis. This means that if your claim is not successful, it will not cost you a penny. Where your claim is successful, the costs of our services is deducted from any compensation you receive which will be capped at no more than 25%.

  • Although our registered office is in London we cover the whole of the UK.

  • This is typically the money you are asked to pay by the landlord before they will allow you to move into the property.

  • There are three of these:


    Tenacy Deposit Scheme

    Deposit Protection Scheme

    Your landlord has to use one of these schemes

  • Your landlord has 30 days from the day you pay your deposit to protect it in one of the three government-backed schemes. They are also required to inform you that they have protected your deposit and with which scheme.

  • Yes, we will need to prove that you paid a deposit to your landlord (or agent). This can be in the form of a written receipt or bank statement or similar. We can go through this with you.

  • You can still make a tenancy deposit claim. You can start a claim up to 6 years from when your tenancy began and when your deposit was paid.

  • If your landlord failed to use one of the three approved deposit protection schemes then any eviction or attempted eviction would be unlawful.

  • If you are in arrears (have unpaid rent), then we will need to discuss this with you further. Your ability to claim will depend on the amount owing and the deposit you paid.

  • Your landlord has up to 10 days from the date you request return of your deposit after termination the tenancy.

  • We will typically need a copy of your tenancy agreement and proof of payment of your deposit to start your claim. Further information may be needed as things progress.